+ FREE SHIPPING when you buy two pairs 🎁

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£4 for YOU, £4 for THEM

This post is our opportunity to wish you all well, send a big happy wave (at a 2m distance of course) and show a way we can continue to help each other smile & stay positive in these difficult times.  For as long as the elderly are told to stay at home during the COVID pandemic we'll be offering £4 off kids gloves and for each pair of kids gloves sold we will also donate £4 to Age UK.


There are many things in life that are more important than gloves:

Toilet paper...Maybe
Trying not to touch your face........Definitely

    But top of the list and now more important than ever is helping our vulnerable members of society. This is why we're proposing our fun 4 for you, 4 for them initiative that connects kids and the elderly.

    Why AgeUK? 

    They offer free 24 hour emergency advice and friendship services along with food deliveries specifically to the elderly. A lifeline during the current situation.



    Why Kids? 

    Never has it been so important to smile & stay positive. Let that one bike ride a day be a really happy one that also helps someone who can't go outside.


    Calls to AgeUK's emergency advice phone lines have increased by 40%, but donations to charities have fallen by 40%

    This breaks our hearts and we are determined to try and help. The COVID pandemic is going to be a very scary, lonely and distressing time for many older people. By donating to Age UK we will be supporting the brilliant services they provide, like:

    Comfort, reassurance and expert advice through crucial friendship services, including a 24-hour phone helpline. 

    Helping fund 30 local Age UK centers so they can support their immediate communities including providing food parcels and help create a shopping list online for home deliveries. 


      Get a Positive Package in the Post 

      We completely understand it's a tough time for people to spend money but our hope is that by helping you with discounts and happy gloves we can also help the elderly keep positive and connected with others.

      A wave and a smile even from 2 metres away means a lot at the moment. Get some kids gloves for multi-season conditions that are perfect for cycling, scooting, walking and smiling.



      Were £18..... NOW £14
      Plus we donate £4 to AGE UK
      Click for happy kids gloves here


      Shipping & Deliveries 

      Luckily our packages are small & fit through your letterbox
      FREE shipping on all UK orders and half-price shipping on all international orders over £45




        Thank you for helping to keep the wheels turning.

        We completely rely on lovely people like you to keep loffi moving. A purchase ensures we can continue to promote positivity and we literally cannot continue without you.

        Give us a wave, forward this email to a friend & stay positive people